Students Making Summer Meaningful

Posted: July 7, 2017

During the week of June 17-24, a group of students, accompanied by Director of Campus Ministries Bryan Sands (BA '01), journeyed to Baja California, Mexico, to serve at Amor Ministries' Family Camp. HIU students joined over 100 family members on the Amor campgrounds to build homes, participate in a vacation bible school called “Fiesta Jesus”, and serve the community through an optometry clinic.

Each day of service culminated in an evening worship service. Bryan Sands was privileged to speak three nights of the week’s services and delivered interactive sermons to minister to the wide age range of the volunteers. HIU alum Robbie Phillips (BA '91) also spoke during the evening sessions.

During their daytime ministry, some HIU students assisted with a Vacation Bible School program, while Mullins worked on the building site with other volunteers.  Others helped in the optometry clinic translating between the optometrists and local community members.

The optometry clinic aided over 200 people; some of them receiving glasses for the first time. Also, two homes were built during the week, providing safety, security, and helping them to keep needy families intact.

“Seeing our HIU students work alongside families, and kids work alongside their parents or guardians, was a powerful picture of the body of Christ.” Bryan said of the group. “We all use different skills and abilities to honor our Creator!”

While HIU’s Campus Ministries department traditionally partners with Amor Ministries for short-term mission trips during the fall semester and spring break, this year included the summer outreach as well.

// For more information about HIU’s student outreach opportunities, contact Bryan Sands.